You Can't See Me: Providing Privacy in Vision Pipelines via Wi-Fi Localization. (Best Paper Award)
Shazal Irshad, Ria Thakkar, Eric Rozner, Eric Wustrow.
IEEE LANMAN, London, UK, July 2023.
A Picture is Worth 1,000 millimeters: Combining Vision and Wi-Fi to Improve Localization. (Best Paper Award)
Shazal Irshad, Eric Rozner, Apurv Bhartia, Bo Chen.
IEEE WOWMOM, Boston, MA, June 2023.
[pdf] [presentation]
Proactive Serverless Function Resource Management
Erik Hunhoff, Shazal Irshad, Vijay Thurimella, Ali Tariq, Eric Rozner
ACM Sixth International Workshop on Serverless Computing (WoSC6), TU Delft, Netherlands, 2020.
Rethinking Wireless Network Management Through Sensor-driven Contextual Analysis. (Best Poster Award)
Shazal Irshad, Eric Rozner, Apurv Bhartia, Bo Chen.
ACM HotMobile Workshop, Austin, TX, March 2020.
[pdf] [presentation] [poster]